Regathering June 7!

Hello OSC Family!

When the Covid-19 pandemic began, we had no idea how long it would last. It has now been ten weeks since we stopped having corporate gatherings. In many ways, I have seen God’s grace through the trial. We have reached thousands of people that we would have never reached through our online platforms. We have stretched our mentality about how church should and can be done. We have ministered to our communities in ways that we never have before. Through it all, God has added to our church many things that will never be lost. We will never be the same!

We have strived to make sure our campuses are safe, secure & sanitized for when people come back to in-person services. After much prayer and talking with our Governor & Health Officials we have decided to resume in-person services at all our campuses on Sunday, June 7th.

Here is what you can expect:

Summer Service Times
Jennings: 8:30am, 10:00am & 11:30am
Eunice: 9:00am & 10:45am
Crowley: 9:00am & 10:30am

PHYSICAL DISTANCING – We will limit gathering in lobby and hallway spaces and families will be seated every other row to practice safe physical distancing. Families will also be spaced 6 feet apart from other families sitting on the same row.

SANITATION – Extra Hand Sanitizer Stations will be available throughout the campus. Before and after each service, Dream Team members will help sanitize all door handles, seats, bathroom fixtures, water faucets, and other high-touch surfaces. Wearing a mask is optional.

OSC KIDS – OSC Kids will not be open for now, but OSC Kids At Home will still be available on Youtube.

CHURCH ONLINE – After we begin weekend services at the physical campuses, Church Online will continue at 10AM on Facebook, Youtube and!

Thank you for your generosity! Your faithfulness in giving has helped our church thrive throughout this difficult season. You can continue to give here.

Our heart is to keep you and the rest of our spiritual family healthy. We do not want to put anyone in the position of feeling like they needed to choose between church or their health. Certainly, if you have concerns or are at risk, please do not feel pressure to join us right away.

Thank you so much for being the best church in the world, for supporting the leadership of our church, and for keeping us lifted up in prayer. We are moving forward with the best wisdom and care we can. We are here to serve you and Jesus to the best of our abilities.

We love you all very much!

Pastors Josh & Lindsey Belt

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