Covid-19 Update

We are so thankful for the love and support you have shown to one another and our community these past couple of months. You have donated gift baskets to hospitals and first responders, fed children, donated blood and much more. We could not be more proud of what you have done and continue to do to Reach People and Build Lives.

As you have probably heard, Governor John Bel Edwards has extended the stay at home order until May 15th. With this update, you may be asking the questions, “What does this mean for Our Savior’s Church? When can we have church services on campus again?”

Our top priority throughout this season has been to ensure your safety and the safety of our community. We are eager to take steps forward, but also want to ensure there are no steps backward.

As of now, we will continue to keep our worship services ONLINE. This will most likely be the case through the end of May.

Until we meet together again, let’s not give up worshiping and connecting together online. We are continuing our series “The Family Survival Guide this Sunday. We will also continue to offer great resources for kids, students, and online Life Groups, all of which are accessible here on our website.

Every week there are new updates, and we will continue to keep you up to date as the circumstances develop. Our pastors and leadership team are working on a plan for us to be able to meet again soon. Until then, we continue to pray that you sense God’s presence, His protection, and His provision in your life.


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