COVID-19 Update

Hey OSC Family,

As we navigate this COVID 19 situation, we want to offer you these words of encouragement today: God is in control! While it may look like things around us are out of control (many things are out of our personal control today with school closures, travel restrictions, physical gathering limitations, etc.), our God is still sovereign and we can find peace with our eyes fixed on Him. (Phil. 4:6-9)

We are excited to announce, beginning today we will be moving all of what we do as a church to our online platforms. We’d love to invite you and your family to join us. Now, more than ever, families across our country need an infusion of hope and a place to go to connect. Even though we will not be able to physically gather (*see clarification) together for the time being, I want you to know that we are committed to helping you grow in your relationship with Jesus. We want to encourage you to engage with us in the following ways:

  1. Worship Services – All services will be broadcast digitally:
    • Sundays – will be streaming worship services for you and your family at 9am, 11am & 5pm. During each service our Pastors and staff will be online to connect and pray with you. You can watch the service on our OSC CONNECT App, & Jennings, Crowley & Eunice Facebook Pages. You can download our OSC CONNECT App:
    • OSC Kids – Parents, while your kids are home, we know it might be challenging to keep them from going stir-crazy! Our team is developing an online resource that will help equip you with some activities and resources to help you make the most of this extra time together. We are excited to partner with you to ‘disciple’ your kids in the ways of God by providing you with the means to facilitate their spiritual learning. Here’s a link to a great resource:
    • OSC YTH – will be breaking up the large gatherings into *smaller physical and digital meeting spaces according to each campus’ needs. Your campus OSC YTH Director will be communicating details to you. You can subscribe to these platforms to stay connected on all things OSC YTH.
  2. Life Groups – We are encouraging all Life Groups to continue meeting in the following ways:
    • Physical OR Digital?* – It remains the group’s decision to meet however they choose. We encourage you to engage with your life group in whatever way is most comfortable to you. Your life group leader will be in touch with you to discuss how your group will stay connected.
    • Freedom – The Freedom conference has been cancelled. Your life group leader will be in touch with you to discuss how your group will stay connected.
  3. Serving in our Community – During this time, there will be many opportunities for us to serve others.
    • We will be in communication with you about different ways that we can help our community during this time. Please continue to pray and look for opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus personally where you are.
    • We are praying that God would use you in incredible ways in the lives of those around you! Please let us know if there is anything we can do to serve you!
  4. Online Giving – Without Sunday gatherings, giving may look different for some of us.
    • We have been overwhelmed by the continued financial generosity of our congregation during this time of uncertainty. Your giving enables us to expand our reach to an online presence, develop and create new ways to share the gospel, and strategize with our community leaders to meet practical needs in our area.
    • We have made it super easy for you to give
      • Via the OSC Connect App
      • Mail your designated giving to: 1830 S Lake Arthur Ave. Jennings, LA 70546

OSC Family – this will be our finest hour! Stay connected and join us online!

We love y’all,
OSC Pastoral Leadership

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